Our Royal Rangers program is designed for boys, Kindergarten through High School. The boys learn outdoor survival skills, along with training to become strong Christian men. Boys learn teamwork, responsibility, and lessons they will use the rest of their lives, all while being mentored by Christian men.

Rangers meet every Wednesday night, 6pm-7:30pm.

Group Descriptions:

Ranger Kids (Grades K-2) – The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail consists of fifteen advancement steps, organized into three sub-trails of five steps each – the Trail to the Elk, Trail to the Wolverine, and the Trail to the Cougar. The system is designed to be completed in three years, with one advancement step being completed each quarter and one annual award being earned each year. The Ranger Kids Gold Trail Award is the highest award earned in Ranger Kids and is awarded after completion of all fifteen advancement steps.

Discovery Rangers (Grades 3-5)– Discovery Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with a variety of opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as First Aid skills, Rope Craft, Art, Fishing, or Model Rocketry. Each Discovery Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than fifty blue skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.

The Discovery Rangers Advancement Trail primarily consists of the completion of “merits”. A merit is an award earned by completing a specific list of requirements. Each step along the Discovery Rangers Advancement Trail requires the completion of a specified number of three types of merits:

· BIBLE MERITS are earned by completing a specified number of Bible lessons. One Bible lesson is typically taught each week as part of the weekly Discovery Rangers meeting.

· SKILL MERITS represent the fun things Discovery Rangers can do and learn. These merits are typically taught as part of the weekly meeting but can also be completed at home or with friends outside the meeting.

· LEADERSHIP MERITS are earned periodically with your group and typically involve team building activities and personal development.

Adventure Rangers (Grades 6-8) – Adventure Rangers features an advancement trail that introduces boys to a variety of new skills and fun activities with their group. Boys learn about topics such as Archery, Canoeing, Photography, or Skateboarding. Each Adventure Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than seventy green skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.

The Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail primarily consists of the completion of “merits”. A merit is an award earned by completing a specific list of requirements. Each step along the Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail requires the completion of a specified number of three types of merits:

· BIBLE MERITS are earned by completing a specified number of Bible lessons. One Bible lesson is typically taught each week as part of the weekly Adventure Rangers meeting.

· SKILL MERITS represent the fun things Adventure Rangers can do and learn. These merits are typically taught as part of the weekly meeting but can also be completed at home or with friends outside the meeting.

· LEADERSHIP MERITS are earned periodically with your group and typically involve team building activities and personal development.

Expedition Rangers (Grades 9-12)– Expedition Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with many opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as Auto Mechanics, Fly Fishing, Rock Climbing, or Graphic Arts. Each Expedition Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than eighty silver skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.

The Expedition Rangers Advancement Trail consists of the completion of “merits” and “Spirit Challenges”. A merit is an award earned by completing a specific list of requirements. A Spirit Challenge is the Expedition Rangers form of group Bible study. Each step along the Expedition Rangers Advancement Trail requires the completion of a specified number of merits and Spirit Challenges:

· SKILL MERITS represent the fun things Expedition Rangers can do and learn. These merits are typically taught as part of the weekly meeting but can also be completed at home or with friends outside the meeting.

· LEADERSHIP MERITS are earned periodically with your group and typically involve team building activities and personal development.

· SPIRIT CHALLENGES are the Bible lessons completed as part of the weekly Expedition Rangers meeting.

Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) – a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. FCF members participate in special events where frontier skills are demonstrated and practiced. Competitions are commonly held that promote the development of these skills and reflect the excitement, color, and flair of frontier America.

Members of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship are challenged to demonstrate the attributes exemplified by the early frontiersmen as they seek to further the objectives of the Royal Rangers ministry.

Purpose of FCF:

The threefold purpose of FCF is to:

1. Inspire brotherhood among our members

2. Promote personal development through advancement and training

3. Provide valuable service to Royal Rangers and beyond

FCF Pledge:

“I share with you the warmth and glow of this campfire. These crimson flames are a symbol of our fellowship and adventures in camping. I promise to share with you the warmth of Christian friendship and with others the light of my Christian testimony. I promise to keep alive the spirit of FCF in my personal life and to observe at all times the principles of Royal Rangers.”

FCF Motto:

“To Give and to Serve” (In Latin: “Ad Dare Servire”)

FCF Symbol:

The blazing campfire is the official symbol of FCF, demonstrated through the warmth of Christian love, the light of personal witness, and the usefulness of dedicated service. The FCF symbol includes five logs which represent the five elements that are essential to keeping alive the spirit of FCF. Every FCF member is encouraged to:

· Demonstrate Courage

· Pursue Achievement

· Develop Friendships

· Practice Leadership

· Display Woodsmanship